
DrMarioisaclassicfalling-brickandblock-tilematchingpuzzlegamesimilartoTetrisbutfeaturesthecharactersfromtheMariofranchise.Thegamewas ...,評分4.4(50)·免費·遊戲InTetris-stylegame,youplayasDr.Mario,whomustdropdifferentlycolouredpillsontovirusestoremovethemfromthebottle.PlayDr.Marioonline!,評分4.3(187)·US$24.27特色·由Mario擔任醫生主演的有趣益智遊戲·阻止致命病毒接管實驗室來對抗疾病·將每種病毒的顏色...

Dr Mario - Play Game Online

Dr Mario is a classic falling-brick and block-tile matching puzzle game similar to Tetris but features the characters from the Mario franchise. The game was ...

Dr. Mario

評分 4.4 (50) · 免費 · 遊戲 In Tetris-style game, you play as Dr. Mario, who must drop differently coloured pills onto viruses to remove them from the bottle. Play Dr. Mario online!

Dr. Mario : 電動遊戲

評分 4.3 (187) · US$24.27 特色 · 由Mario 擔任醫生主演的有趣益智遊戲 · 阻止致命病毒接管實驗室來對抗疾病 · 將每種病毒的顏色與相同顏色的藥丸相匹配 · 快節奏的令人上癮的遊戲 · 適合1 位玩家 ...

Dr. Mario

Dr. Mario is the persona Mario assumes in the Dr. Mario series. Under this identity, Mario dons a white lab coat, white pants, a head mirror, and a stethoscope ... Dr. Mario (game) · Gallery:Dr. Mario · Dr. Mario (series) · Dr. Mario 6

Dr. Mario (SSBU)

Dr. Mario is currently ranked 78th out of 82 on the Ultimate tier list, placing him in the D- tier and making him a bottom five character.

Dr. Mario

Dr. Mario was remastered for the Super Famicom and released as a stand-alone Nintendo Power service release, only in Japan, and also for the Nintendo ...

【舞秋風小遊戲時間】馬力歐醫生世界Dr. Mario World

訂閱「舞秋風」頻道可收到更多消息喔: ========更多影片======== 近期連載 ...

10 Minute Gameplay: Dr. Mario (1990) NES

Purchase at: Facebook: ...


《瑪利歐醫生》(日語:ドクターマリオ,英語:Dr. Mario,香港俗稱「孖寶醫生」)是一款於1990年發售的瑪利歐益智遊戲。遊戲由任天堂開發第一部開發,任天堂發行於紅白機 ...